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 Narre Warren South P-12 College is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students, reflecting that Learning and Wellbeing are at the centre of FISO 2.0 and are equally weighted. The Wellbeing and Inclusion teams at Narre Warren South P12 College are large and well resourced.

They are comprised of:

  • Head of Wellbeing & Inclusion Assistant Principal
  • Primary Disability Inclusion Assistant Principal
  • Secondary Disability Inclusion Assistant Principal
  • Primary and Secondary Wellbeing Student Engagement Leaders
  • Disability Inclusion Leading Teachers
  • Inclusion Classroom Teachers
  • Classroom Inclusion Education Support Staff
  • Psychologist
  • Mental Health Practitioner
  • Family Therapist
  • Speech Therapists and Assistants
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Engagement Officer
  • Counsellors
  • Youth Workers
  • Wellbeing Centre Manager
  • Administration Support Staff
  • Sickbay Nurses


Our College Wellbeing Team plays a vital role in promoting and protecting the mental health and wellbeing of students and ensuring that Child Safe practices are embedded across the school. Students can be supported through 1:1 sessions with Wellbeing staff, small group sessions and external referrals when necessary. Wellbeing referrals can be created on Compass by approved staff when they have determined that a student is in need of targeted support. Families play an integral part in supporting their young people in conjunction with the Wellbeing team and the college aims to work closely with parents and caregivers wherever possible.

We are a Positive Behaviour School and have high expectations of our students to demonstrate integrity and respect in their relationships with all members of the school and the broader community. We embrace diversity in all its forms and strive to be an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable and confident to be themselves and to seek help when they need it. The College believes that students can only reach their full educational potential when they are happy, healthy and safe, and when there is a positive College culture to engage and support them in their learning. Our College acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are inextricably linked. We are a Safe Schools Coalition member school, We are a UN Human Rights school and we have the lead school in the DET Respectful Relationships program. In 2024, all staff are undertaking training in the Berry Street Educational Model which will ensure a whole-school approach to supporting students in the classroom and yard.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy at Narre Warren South P-12 College aims to support students to communicate as independently and effectively as possible. The Speech Pathology team works closely with teachers and Education Support (ES) staff to support students to access the curriculum. Our therapy is dynamic, fun and engaging. We use a range of strategies and incorporate your child’s interests to help support learning. Our therapy helps to strengthen the language, communication, listening and play skills needed for academic and social success at school. Key focus areas include:

  • Articulation (the clarity of your child’s speech)

  • Receptive language (what your child understands of spoken language)

  • Expressive language (your child’s use of sentences and grammar)

  • Pragmatic language (how your child uses language in a social context to interact with others)

  • Fluency of speech

  • Literacy and phonological skills (the development of reading, writing and spelling skills)

If you have concerns about your child’s communication or academic skills, please contact your child’s teacher to make a referral.

Child Safe

Preventing child abuse is our collective responsibility; it must be embedded into our thinking, attitudes and practices. Narre Warren South P-12 College continues in its development towards an organisational culture that protects children from abuse and reflects its commitment to child safety.

Our Statement of Commitment to Child Safety can be found on the Policies page, as can our Child Safe Code of Conduct and other relevant policies and information, such as the Visitors and Volunteers Policies.

The information booklet below provides our College community with vital information on how we are meeting the requirements of Ministerial Order 870 – the Child Safe Standards.

If you have any questions in relation to the Child Safe Standards, please do not hesitate to contact the College on 9704 3333.

Further information about the Child Safe Standards can be found on the DET Victoria Website here Child Safe Standards

 CHILD SAFE Community Information

The College has developed a comprehensive Student Wellbeing Policy that informs our practice and can be accessed here Student Wellbeing & Engagement Policy. If you would like to know more or to make any appointments with our Wellbeing Team, please contact the school on 9704 3333, or alternatively, you can email staff through COMPASS

Occupational Therapist

NWSP12 College offers onsite Occupational Therapy for students with physical, sensory or cognitive needs. Occupational Therapy can help students with play, assists in improving school engagement and performance, and aids daily activities including;

  • Developing fine motor skills
  • Sensory processing
  • Improving hand eye coordination
  • Mastering basic life skills
  • Learning positive behaviours and social skills
  • Obtaining physical supports such as communication aids

If you feel your child would benefit from Occupational Therapy support, please contact your child’s teacher to discuss further and make a referral.


The Paediatrician in School Program is a new collaboration between NWSP12 College and Monash Children’s Hospital. The service provides access to a Monash Health Paediatrician, or Paediatric Fellow, at no cost to families. The Paediatric service can diagnose, treat and provide medical care for students at NWSP12 College, including physical, mental health and behavioural development. All appointments are onsite at the College in the Doctor’s in School building, making accessing appointments a much smoother process for families.

All referrals for the Paediatrician in School Program need to be directed to the Wellbeing Centre.

Wellbeing Programs

Target Groups Prep - Grade 6
  • Futures in Mind – Partnership with Futures in Mind to deliver counselling to Primary Students.

  • Games Room – Alternative social games in a safe setting for students looking for playtime variety.

  • Peaceful Kids – The ‘Peaceful Kids’ program is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children.

  • Dad’s Night BBQ – Students/Parents/Carers. Facilitate a safe/fun space for parents, carers and young people.

  • Parent Morning Teas – To engage parents of the school community in the life of the school.

Target Groups Prep - Grade 1

Casey Safety Village – Educating Grade 1 students on Road safety and Fire safety (annual).

Target Groups Grade 6 - Year 9
  • AMP/Y Girls – City of Casey Youth Services – The city of Casey run a program that promotes self-esteem, conflict and stress management, relationships, safer and positive choices, communication and how to seek support.

  • Back Off Bullies – To run peer-led education about cyberbullying for Year 8 students.

  • City of Casey Youth Forum – Grade 6 Student Leaders. Building leadership capacity in young leaders in the community.

  • Get Linked – Ambulance Victoria – To increase year 9 student’s knowledge and skills of CPR and emergency situations.

  • Hands-on Learning (HOL) – To utilise a hands-on approach for Years 7 – 9 re-engagement to increase attitudes and behaviour in school.

  • I Am girls – Planetshakers – Year 9 Girls. Self-esteem, conflict and stress management, relationships, safer and positive choices, communication and how to seek support for issues

  • Peer Support – A part of transition where students from Year 8 – 10 run up to 4 sessions with Year 7’s in Term 1.

  • Pre Orientation Day – External Gr 6’s. Transition-trained Peer Support leaders run activities with external grade 6 students enrolled for Yr 7 the following year.

  • Respect Connect Protect – SECASA – The Respect Protect Connect program aims to help schools do this by broadening Year 8’s definition of violent behaviour and raising awareness about its impact on their health.

  • Step Back THINK! – To raise awareness with Year 8’s about social violence and keeping safe.

Target Groups Grade 7 - Year 12
  • 360 Bus – City of Casey Mobile Youth Centre.

  • Find Your Zen – To run lunchtime relaxation sessions in the study hall.

  • Lunchtime Program – Planetshakers – To build a positive and supportive environment while establishing relationships with Youth workers.

  • New @ P-12 lunch – To welcome newly enrolled students to the school and introduced them to the wellbeing team.

  • OK2BU – To create a safe place for same-sex attracted, Gender Diverse and allies to meet once a week.

  • Phil Cleary presentation – To raise awareness of violence against women and enhancing respectful relationships.

  • Planetshakers mentoring – To connect students with positive role models.

  • Presentations on sexual consent – To teach students about sexual consent in the context of healthy respectful relationships.

  • R U OK? Day – To raise awareness of engaging in regular and meaningful conversations with others.

  • The 4C’s – Cultivating Creative Cultures with Community – To increase engagement and build relationships with students and families through dance and celebration.

  • Wear It Purple Day – To raise awareness and support for sexual and gender diversity and inclusiveness in the school community.

  • Wellbeing days – To promote wellbeing and have fun.

Target Groups Whole School
  • Breakfast Club – Focus on nutrition, promote relationships and start the day well together.

  • eSmart – To increase understanding and knowledge for staff, students, and parents on cyber safety.

  • KidsMatter/MindMatters – A framework to provide the methods, tools and support to help schools work with parents and carers, health services and the wider community and promote positive mental health and prevention of mental health difficulties.

  • Hands On Learning Program

    HoL allows secondary school students to participate 1 day per week in various practical projects, which may be within the school or outside in the local community. Some examples include building basic structures, bricklaying, furniture making, painting, sculpture and landscaping.

    The group consists of 2 staff and up to 10 students from different year levels.

    The staff are referred to as artisan-teachers and are employed by the school. Students will spend an entire day in HoL completing practical projects; they will also prepare and share meals together as a group.

    Why we are doing it
    HoL was implemented to provide students with a wider choice of curriculum. We intentionally designed this program to provide an alternative to the classroom structure and normal learning style, where new skills can be learnt by doing and experiencing.
    Popularity of the program
    It is a privilege for students to have an opportunity to be in the HoL program. We have limited places, and a waiting list exists of students wishing to be involved.

    This is not a program for students who want a day out of school. This program helps students maintain a positive attitude to school, and they really look forward to their HoL day.

    The four pillars of HoL: why this is our foundation

    HoL is an innovative onsite education program made up of four fundamental elements that build a platform for young people to grow in confidence, engage and achieve at school.

    • A place to belong
    • People to belong to
    • Real things to do
    • A chance to give back
    Success of the structure
    The mixed structure of the groups, with girls and boys, and the range of age groups, provides an opportunity for leadership skills to be developed and provides a positive learning environment for the younger students taking a natural lead from the older ones in the group.
    Extending the learning to business methods
    Through the practical experience, we aim to teach basic small business principles and develop a sense of confidence that students can do. Participation in marketable hands-on projects will link their efforts with the real world and provide the necessary incentive to refine and develop their skills.
    Developing community attitudes
    We actively seek involvement in community project work which is a great opportunity to foster positive attitudes towards the local community, which teaches the students the value of shared goals and purposes which are the fabric of our society.

    Change of Details

    It is important you keep the school informed of changes, such as contact phon numbers, addresses and access restrictions. Always notify the class teacher and the main Reception Office, of any temporary or new arrangements. If you have any details to update please fill out this Change of Details form. Please complete the form and email it to our enrolment email address enrolments@education.vic.gov.au Changes can also be made using the COMPASS Portal.