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BYOD Program

At Narre Warren South P-12 College, we prioritize the creation of safe and inclusive learning environments, extending this commitment to both physical classrooms and digital spaces. We actively promote safe digital learning practices and set clear expectations for online conduct and safety for our students across various digital platforms.

BYOD Approach at Narre Warren South P-12 College:

Primary School:

No BYOD is necessary for primary school students as each classroom is equipped with a dedicated set of devices tailored to facilitate learning.
iPads are provided for Prep to Grade 3 students, while Grade 4 to Grade 6 students are supplied with Chromebooks, ensuring accessibility to devices within the classroom environment.

Secondary School:

Secondary school students are expected to bring their own devices to school to align with the curriculum’s emphasis on flexibility and independence.
Through our partnership with Edunet, we offer competitive pricing for devices, supplemented by a college subsidy to reduce the overall cost for families.

Our BYOD program is structured into two categories to ensure inclusivity and consistency:

Managed BYOD (Recommended):


Edunet Portal

Devices purchased through our partnered supplier are eligible for enhanced software and hardware support, facilitating better assistance from the school’s IT department. Information on purchasing devices through our partner can be found on their website which also includes the current catalogue for purchasing a device Edunet Technology Portal When purchasing a device via Edunet It’s important to note that hardware support is limited to the warranty purchased with the device.

Furthermore, families experiencing financial hardship can seek assistance by engaging in discussions with their year level coordinators or school administration staff.
If you would like to explore available options further, please don’t hesitate to contact the college. We are here to support you.

Unmanaged BYOD:

  • Families who choose not to purchase devices through the school or its preferred supplier may opt to bring their own devices from home.
  • However, it’s essential to recognize that support from the school’s IT department may be limited for unmanaged devices.
  • Further details on BYOD models and device distinctions can be found in the document below.