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Primary Transition

Prep Enrolments
& Transition Program

To start primary school your child must be five years of age by 30 April in the year they commence school. We accept Prep enrolments one year prior to your child’s start date. We encourage you to collect an Enrolment Pack early in the year to take home to complete and return with the supporting legal documentation as soon as possible.

All children enrolled at Narre Warren South P-12 College starting Prep are invited to register for our Step Into Prep program. Our sessions include classroom experiences with our prep teachers and parent information sessions with our Primary School Leaders. Our Step Into Prep program runs mid Term 4, dates for our Step Into Prep sessions will be advertised on our website and all parents will be notified by mail.

Whether it is your first child off to school or one of many, our Step Into Prep program will assist your child to feel settled and confident to start Prep at Narre Warren South P-12 College. Contact our Enrolment Officer on 9704 3333 to assist in enrolling your child.

Year 6-7 Transition

Early in Term 2 your primary school will provide all grade 6 parents with a “Year 6 into 7 Transition Information Pack” for secondary school placement. This process involves you nominating your preferred secondary school you would like your child to attend. Completed applications are then sent back to your child’s primary school.

Your primary school will inform you in August of your child’s secondary placement.

We will be in contact with you via mail/email and advise the next stage of enrolment to our College. If you have applied for a Special Program you will also be advised of the outcome. Year 7 information packs will be sent to all future Year 7 students by mid-late November.

The DET statewide Orientation Day for all Year 7s is held on the second Tuesday of December.

Here are some commonly asked questions regarding Year 6-7 Transition Q & A – Year 6-7 Transition

More information for parents/carers on moving from primary school to secondary school can be found online at  Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents.

If you are a parent/carer of a student at a non-government school or are currently homeschooling your child, you can find more details on how to apply for Year 7 enrolment at our school at  Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents.

It is important you keep the school informed of changes, such as contact phone numbers, addresses and access restrictions. Always notify the class teacher and the General Office, A Block, of any temporary or new arrangements. Please complete this form and email to our enrolment officer, Maryam Mahmoodzad, Maryam.mahmoodzad@education.vic.gov.au

 Change of Details Form. Changes can also be made using the Compass Portal.