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The College Sickbay is located in A Block and is open from 8.30 am – 3.30 pm.
If you notice your child is unwell in the morning, please keep them home from school.
Parents will be contacted if students have reported to Sickbay as injured or sick – students are not allowed to make their own arrangements to go home.
Parent/Guardian and Emergency contact details are critically important for when your child is in the sickbay. Please ensure the College is updated if any changes to contact details occur.
Please notify the Nurses of any current or past health issues or injuries so students can be treated accurately.
Parents are advised to collect students from sickbay and are required to sign their child out when collected.
Signing In and Out
If a student is not ill and needs to leave school early, they are to report to the office with their parent approval note (or Compass approval) so they can be signed out.
NO Medication should be in a student’s possession.
The only medication allowed to be carried by a student is Ventolin or similar asthma inhalers. Pain relief permission forms are to be completed and signed by a parent/guardian before the Nurse can administer medication eg. Paracetamol. If a signed form has not been obtained, parents will be called and verbal consent from parent/guardian will be obtained Regular daily medication MUST be stored in the Sickbay and a covering note and discussion with the Nurse is required. It is preferable for medication to be given in its original prescribed package with details as to the dosage required.
Medication Authorisation Form
Head Lice
Further information can be obtained from the College Nurse or visit:Â Â
We require all students who suffer from asthma to provide an Asthma Management Plan to Sickbay at the start of every year.
Further information can be obtained from the College Nurse or visit:Â Â
If a student’s EPIPEN expires and is not replaced they will not be permitted on camps/excursions.
Further information can be obtained from the College Nurse or visit:Â Â
Diabetes is life-threatening! A Diabetes Management Plan must be provided for any diabetic students and must be renewed annually. It is recommended that the school has a Hypo kit kept in sickbay for the student including a glucagon pen.
If a student’s GLUCAGON expires and is not replaced they will not be permitted on camp without it.
Further information can be obtained from the College Nurse or visit: Â
Change of Details
It is important you keep the school informed of changes, such as contact phone numbers, addresses and access restrictions. Always notify the class teacher and the main Reception Office, of any temporary or new arrangements. If you have any details to update please fill out this Change of Details form. Please complete the form and email it to our enrolment officer, Maryam Mahmoodzad; Changes can also be made using the COMPASS Portal.